August 14, 2007

Creeping in the dark

Several paintings are awaiting completion and I've just started with a new one as well again. It represents the minotaurus in his underground labyrinth. I'm not sure what to think of him; Though in this image I've portrayed him as a dark monster, the bull-cult from crete, which inspired the myth, did not worship such a demon from the netherworld. One day I will devote a painting to the worship of the bull that lies at the birth of religion, for now this is just a fun image to create and it represents myself as I wander around in the labyrinth of choices. I am looking for a direction in my artwork that represents me personally, that radiates a hint of the unique but with every painting I feel more lost. The answer is somewhere in my artwork, but at the moment I just can not see it.

1 comment:

Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet. You have a very, very interesting blog. Great site.